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What Is At The Center of The Universe?

You are.

This profound thought occurred to me as I went to bed the other day falling into this weird mixture of reality and dream, with nonsensical endings progressively taking over the sensible thoughts with the rational brain slowly but surely sidelined on the autobahn into the dreamworld. This funny experience picked up after Corona and I am not entirely sure its a good thing. But it generates interesting ideas.

The logic though, is sound and simple. The concept of universe, after all, is, and will ever be, connected to the concept of “observable” universe, since what cannot be “observed” in that astronomical sense is indistinguishable from non-existing. For all intents and purposes, what is outside of observability zone does not exist for us. At same time, we have no indication that outside of that zone there is indeed nothing; it is possible that the universe continues endlessly. A hypothetical humanoid colony 10 billion light years from ours will be at the center of their own “observable” universe, and it will be different from ours. Both are thus at the center of their own respective universes. In that sense, we are special – and we are not, at the same time 🙂

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured this vivid image of spiral galaxy Messier 77 — a galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, some 45 million light-years away from us. The streaks of red and blue in the image highlight pockets of star formation along the pinwheeling arms, with dark dust lanes stretching across the galaxy’s starry centre. The galaxy belongs to a class of galaxies known as Seyfert galaxies, which have highly ionised gas surrounding an intensely active centre.

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Women are Quantum

Ive always suspected that women are, in essence, quantum objects because the principles of quantum mechanics apply to them pretty well. A couple of recent events show a strong support for my hypothesis.

Superposition Principle for Women:

A quantum woman can be in several (mental) states at the same time if unperturbed by external observation. One can never know. However, if she notices the said external observation, the system might collapse into a definite state which is often anger.
A direct approach to observation (“How are you feeling?”) may result in counter-intuitive encouragement of even more observation (“Can’t you see!?”).

Quantization of Opinions:

All opinions voiced by a quantum woman’s partner can be only of discrete kinds (“You either agree with me, or you don’t”) with nothing in between, not a nuance, not the slightest deviation from total and absolute agreement. Equally a judgement pronounced may fall into quantized buckets which are often “very good” and “very bad”.

Quantum Clothing Entanglement:

All quantum women act the same, independently from each other, regardless of the distance, connection and relation between them. On one sunny day in April I noticed that ALL women outside suddenly wore white shorts as if orchestrated by some higher being (or TikTok). The next day I went out to see only long jeans throughout.

NB: Ha! I should be careful positing my serious theories about quantum mechanics and women! What if I decide to run for the U.S. president ?! Oh that might get me in trouble!

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Funny stones

We were having a Sunday trip to a city called Wasserburg. Along the gravel footpath that was hugging the loop of the mighty river lied some funny-looking stones that caught my attention. I was having a good time, actually, before that. And in a way, I thought later, it was kind of superfluous. The river gives quite similar message.

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How often do you debate the reasons for your own existence with yourself?

Rustin Cohle on Twitter: "I only came here to drink beer and kick ass.  Looks like I'm about out of beer."

I keep coming back to thinking about this.

Do people in general have internal, in-one’s-head monologues about that? Weighting pros and cons? Is it like, typical at all? For what part of population? Is it age-related? And what are the outcomes?

There must be a subset of population that never even gets to ask this, or that isn’t interested in exploring it in the first place.

I think some lucky people carry the implicit assurance of their own worthiness in themselves, never doubted, the brilliance of a purpose never fading, the hard question never asked.

I think I was like that too in my early twenties. This warm, optimistic and empowering feeling of something big, world-changing, pre-arranged for you, but forever unknown, ahead of you along the road of life, something to justify and fulfil. [What a dick isnt it] Even now, in my late 30s, this feeling comes back sometimes, but instead of basking in its generous light whenever I want, now I have to search for it with a flashlight. It must be buried at the end of this dark corridor, I tell myself, but sometimes there its just darkness.

The big thing never arrived. [Obligatory True Detective cue]

Or has it?

Actually, lately my experience have pointed to the fact that I am a rather average – or slightly above – person toward my talents, ways to think and also physical traits, and, putting it methaphorically, the veil of self-uniqueness has slowly fallen from my eyes, so I assume that this is a totally common problem for both men and women my age.

This realization makes it a bit easier already – but, as with any problem that is met by sufficiently large group of people, mustn’t there be best practices or patterns? Or should I outsource this internal debate to religion? Well, that would definitely look like a cheat to me.

— update next day
OMG that’s so profound. I must have overdone myself on that one. Put it all to wine .
I think I’m just bored.