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Day 1 – A long journey

Having yet again been thoroughly disgusted with myself, I decided to dramatically change my non-eventful, all-you-can-eat life into a life full of misery, suffering and pain.

Starting today, 20th of December in the year 2018 A.D., I will not eat any candy, cookie nor cake. Bananas will be absolutely prohibited! Anyone tempting me with sugar will risk serious injury, or even murder! I am dead serious.

Just as serious as about 3 weeks ago.

That time, I lasted about 7 hours.

But this time it is different: this time I will write about it.

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Hiking Advice

The enthusiastic traveller shoud curb his ardour at the outset of his excursions, and begin with moderate performances, as the overtaxing of his strength on a single occasion will sometimes incapacitate him altogether for several days.
It often requires discrimination and experience to determine what degree of fatigue can be borne with impunity, and when walking should be abandoned.

– EASTERN ALPS, HANDBOOK for TRAVELLERS by Karl Baedeker, 12th edition, 1911

Now I know whose advice I have been ignoring all this time.
Screw Baedeker!
May be I want to be incapacitated!

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Indoor Climbing

As it was really bad weather today, we’ve made a spontaneous decision to visit an indoor climbing hall.

“Why not visit an indoor climbing hall?”, I thought in the morning, and said that out loud. It stroke me to be an especially clever idea.

I mean, who does indoor climbing nowadays? We never wanted to..

As usual, reality has proven once again that it wasn’t neither unique, nor very clever : the hall was packed.

The parking lot was full, which was frustrating, and the only two unoccupied spaces were marked FOR DISABLED.

“Who the hell needs disabled parking at climbing hall? Its a climbing hall after all!!” I thought, and again said that out loud.

“May be spectators?” – Said Paul in a matter-of-fact way.

I had to agree.

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Film of the week: Equalizer 2

For a change: visiting movie theaters!

I went there with my friend Thomas. The 3rd guy couldn’t so two of us went for a 23:00 slot. It was okay: venue was empty, no-one mistook us for a gay couple.

Reminds me of Ghost Dog: The Path of the Samurai  (like my wife says, “Well no, these two aren’t really lookalikes, just both blondes” :D). Probably in this case the similarity in my head ends as well with the fact that both main men are black. Smacking tons of bad guys! Turning local people (like below) onto the good path!

I liked it, despite hilariously pompous dialogue on Denzel’s part and pervasive absence of common sense in his enemies.

A time well spent…

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So we went to a Dutch activity park on the weekend. All those swimming pools, cafes and entertainment rigs where you just can’t stop wondering how mindbogglingly ugly (some) families are.  Impressively bad fitness levels, not really compensated by tattoos, despite apparent belief to the contrary, unhealthy eating habits and nasty, sickly looking kids with chocolate ice cream smeared on their faces and god knows what brown on their hands. A sight to behold at that park. Good thing though! I skipped most of it as I hybernated in the rental, drifting between bed, toilet and veranda; I was quite morose most of that time as well.

I couldn’t get any air through the nose, so the nights were full of weird & morose dreams.

The first night got me this tenacious dream that my wife was about to kill me.

She had devised an absolutely bulletproof plan to do so,  I’ve worked this out after a few loops. I really can’t avoid it. The sequence of the border sticks tied together has been started and nothing can undo it now. Its going to work out with a mathematical precision.

At this moment I woke up, sat up on the bed and looked at my wife with concern. She was asleep.

“What did I do to you, woman, ” – I thought, – “that you are going to do this to me?”

She didn’t answer, so I lied down again and accepted my imminent death.






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Nice Nose

Some female acquaintance of mine has noted that my nose is too small. No more, no more!

On another positive side, hopefully I’ll be a bit less unintelligible on the phone when it all heals and in general become a better man.

I went out to hospital terrace this night, about 1 am in the morning, and sat on the bench, watching the stars and a gas station across the field.

Some big guy entered and took his shirt off (..interesting.. I thought he looked a bit like the Yellow King from True Detective) and started to devour potato chips he brought with him, he didn’t see me.

I crept up slowly from the darkness and said hello… My voice is now coarse and hissing..

I think poor guy was a bit shaken.  😀