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OMG I have again clicked on a random Netflix tab and, believe it or not, fell in love with the series and the main heroine within the first 5 minutes. The visuals , the sound, the acting, the script and the humor – all pretty perfect for my middle-age taste. I also can improve my Bokmål since the messaging subtitles are weirdly either absent or incomplete. I readily forgive a few clichés that have become a tad overused for amazing chemistry and this really smooth, easy-on-the-eye production. I also love Norsk accent and way of expression, what can I say.

– You stole the wallet!
– No I didnt!
– You are lying!
– No Im not!
– I hate you!!
– I hate you too!!

… Happens to every parent at least once, really…
And then this man appeared in a side role that I recognized immediately:)
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