Yesterday I managed to walk around 26km, so my expectations were high. I’m gonna finish the trail in 6 days! No, in 5!
A recipe for disaster.
After about 30min of walking I sat and put the backpack down, completely and utterly exhausted (this expression will be heavily used in my writing). My feet ached as if I were about to stop for the day – and I just started!
I sat down on the beach and stared absentmindedly toward the water.
I don’t remember the path further on, other than it went upwards and that it was awfully hot – it was the first big ascent out of three on the trail.
Mostly I just tried not to think.
At first my goal for the day was to make to the next hut (IKKATTOOQ) and then walk for additional 7km. Then I reduced it to 3km past the hut.
After lunch I said to myself I’m just gonna reach the hut.
WHERE THE HELL IS THIS GODDAMN HUT?! Last 5 km were hard. I was walking the slowest pace and was resting every half hour.
The path went on a plateau from there on, there was enough water, the surroundings became more varied and interesting vs walking along the lake.
More to the evening I met a couple travelling eastwards, who confirmed the reports of the fire, but also confirmed that it had so far been safe to pass despite of the smoke.
Finally around 17:00 I caught a glimpse of the hut.
In the hut I met the polish guy – he told me he’s been resting at the hut since about 11:00. He overtook my camp while I was still snoring.
This has been the hardest day so far, and, in retrospect, the hardest day of the whole trip. Other people found the second leg – along the long lake – the most taxing.